when he arrived at the university of california
Haskins is a traditional drop back pocket passer. Kyler can do everything. He can throw from the pocket, but you want him outside the pocket. About Us,Contact Us,Miko Grimes, wife of Miami Dolphins Pro Bowl cornerback Brent Grimes, went full scorched Earth on the NFL on her Twitter last night. Though Miko's saying inflammatory things on Twitter is nothing new and though she says nothing revelatory about the NFL, it's still the most public lambasting of the league anyone related to a current player has ever done.Among some of the things she tweeted were accusations of how the NFL pretends to be friendly to women but is actually anti woman, having started its domestic violence awareness campaign only after the Ray Rice controversy broke, and how the league doesn't truly care about player safety and concussions, even though it pretends it does. She also slammed the league for only being truly concerned about its bottom line: big money.See also: Ten Reasons Miko G...